

in the design world--particularly in academia--we are bombarded with a deluge of diagrams. they are the arguments presented to us, they are the arguments we make.

we create them by the dozens to explain ourselves... some meticulously crafted and precise, others half-drunken sharpie scribbles on bar napkins. though their forms and execution vary, their purposes are near-universal---to convey a specific idea, in a specific context, to a specific audience.

as inextricably bound to a line of thinking, expressed in an exact place in time, they are by very nature obsolete moments after creation. new data destroys old diagrams. new thoughts push out the ones that made the diagram relevant. it is discarded. adrift. without purpose.

i offer this as a repository for the untethered diagram. the diagram liberated from specificity, liberated from label, liberated from argument.

essence only.

the diagram--absolved.

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